
Christmas 2024 Message from the TAP team

Photo: Sue Careless

RIGHT OFF the top – yes, we realize that you may actually be reading the paper version of this issue in Epiphany…or Lent, depending on when the postal strike finally ends. Let me take this opportunity to remind you that you can access all of our stories online as well at www.anglicanplanet.org – if you haven’t received your password, send an email to office@stpeter.org and we’ll get you set up!

We’ve been honoured to serve you this past year with encouraging features (like our stories on growing parishes in London, ON and Winnipeg, MB – more to come this spring!), sermons, excellent book and film reviews, and more.

There are many serious issues facing Anglicans in Canada and beyond, and in 2025, we will continue to offer penetrating analyses of the “collapse” and restructuring of the Anglican Church of Canada, its upcoming General Synod in London, ON (June 23-29), news and feature stories on the Anglican Network in Canada, and developments in global Anglicanism.

Of particular note, of course, is the Nov. 12 resignation of Justin Welby, which centres around safeguarding measures and the handling of abuse, but also opens up questions around the future of the Anglican Communion and the role and office of the Archbishop of Canterbury.

On that topic, I recommend a recent editorial by our friends at The Living Church – an insightful and provocative piece.  A sampler: “In the end, he [Welby] had little choice – resignation became inevitable…The archbishop simply had no friends left.” Of Welby’s handling of the issue of same-sex relationships: “His accounts of his changed views rarely landed well with progressives or conservatives, and he was far less careful than his predecessor in distinguishing his personal opinions from the church’s faith he promised to uphold.”  The writers go on to identify his “greatest failure” as at the Lambeth Conference, where instead of letting the bishops speak, he tried to manage them. And finally, they point to the work of the Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Unity, Faith, and Order, which has been “working on a set of proposals that would effectively de-emphasize the Archbishop of Canterbury’s role within the Communion” and say that “the manner of Archbishop Welby’s departure may be the clinching bit of evidence that such a change is really necessary.”  Read the whole thing at: www.livingchurch.org/commentary/editorial-a-very-english-resignation/.

We’ll continue to follow this unfolding story and, as always, we’d love to hear your thoughts – email the Editor at anglicanplanet@gmail.com.

Behind the scenes, the TAP team and members of St. Peter Publications have continued to meet regularly to find ways to strengthen and expand the wonderful, almost 20-year project that is The Anglican Planet.  And we are seeing some results – a rise in subscriptions this past fall, with more and more people signing up to read our content online.  This is a great encouragement!  We’d love to see more, and you can help by purchasing a gift subscription for a friend at www.anglicanplanet1.com.

You may have noticed that our TAP wish-list really doesn’t change much from year to year – we’re asking you to Subscribe, Share and Donate (if you’re able).

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Share: We would love to bring our stories to more people, so please follow us on Facebook and share our posts, and please do get that gift subscription for a friend.

Donate: The fact is that our very affordable subscription rate cannot cover our costs (low as they are in this shoe-string operation!).  Would you consider a financial gift? Donations in support of TAP are tax-receiptable, and may be made by phone, mail (see phone number or address above), or online through the CanadaHelps.org page for St. Peter Publications (please designate “Anglican Planet Project” in the message box).

From all of us at The Anglican Planet, have a very merry Christmas! May you know the presence of our Lord Jesus through this season and in the coming year.   TAP

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