
More Context for the Collapse of the Anglican Chur...

By Sharon Dewey Hetke FOR TOO LONG, we have danced around the reality of the...

Jesus is Alive! A Homily at the Closing of St. Mic...

By Christopher Ketch ST. MICHAEL’S Youth Conference has many traditions and practices...

Joey Royal: Suffragan bishop of the Arctic has res...

By Sue Careless Joey Royal, suffragan bishop of the Arctic, has stunned Anglicans across the coun...


The Anglican Planet (TAP) seeks to serve the worldwide Anglican Communion as
a source of intellectual, biblical and spiritual renewal.

More Context for the Collapse of the Anglican Church of Canada

FOR TOO LONG, we have danced around the reality of the Anglican Church of Canada’s decline in finances and attendance, with Church House releasing statistics only sporadically, and various leaders offering soothing sermons on how God is doing something special — along the lines of our declining numbers being a picture of the upside-down kingdom.

Jesus is Alive! A Homily at the Closing of St. Michael’s Youth Conference

ST. MICHAEL’S Youth Conference has many traditions and practices that give shape to our six days of shared life together. These traditions and practices are built around a vital core that we hope each of us has come holding already – but which is important enough for us to revisit at any time. At the heart of St. Michael’s Youth Conference, alive and beating strong, is Jesus Christ and the gospel: that is, the good news of God’s love and forgiveness and the new life we are offered in the kingdom of heaven – all because of him.

More Context for the Collapse of the Anglican Church of Canada

FOR TOO LONG, we have danced around the reality of the Anglican Church of Canada’s decline in finances and attendance, with Church House releasing statistics only sporadically, and various leaders offering soothing sermons on how God is doing something special – along the lines of our declining numbers being a picture of the upside-down kingdom.

The Anglican Protest Song

HE WAS ANXIOUS. Or perhaps agitated would better describe it. A bishop who wasn’t his, threatened a faith that was. The Reverend Samuel J. Stone was just 27 years old and a newly ordained curate. Bishop John Colenso had been consecrated in Westminster Abby with pomp and circumstance and sent off to the newly-formed missionary diocese of Natal, South Africa. It was 1854. The curate was a relative nobody in the Church, and his expression of the Faith was conservative. The bishop was a scholar, well-read, but his expression of the Faith was unorthodox.


The Anglican Planet (TAP) seeks to serve the worldwide Anglican Communion
as a source of intellectual, biblical and spiritual renewal.


Timothy Dudley Smith (1926-2024) Hymnwriter


Tribute: Bishop George Bruce 1942-2024


Mere Anglicanism Panel


Death is part of life, but euthanasia should not be


TAP Interview: Nicholas Nicolaidis


Tribute: Tim Keller (1950-2023)


Harry Antonides


Tribute: Brent Stiller 1963-2023


Thomas Fitches 1945 – 2023


Interview with Bishop Joey Royal


The Anglican Planet (TAP) seeks to serve the worldwide Anglican Communion as a source of
intellectual, biblical and spiritual renewal.

The Riches of Your Grace: Living in the Book of Common Prayer

WE ARE what we read. At a retreat, author Julie Lane-Gay of Vancouver was asked what had shaped her as a Christian. She writes in the introduction to The Riches of Your Grace: Living in the Book of Common Prayer that her answer came as a surprise “and made total sense.”  And that answer was, of course, The Book of Common Prayer (BCP).

Six for Summer

Enjoy these books with your iced cappuccino, cold beer or lemonade.

Freud’s Last Session

IT’S BECOMING something of a pattern: every time Anthony Hopkins wins an Oscar, he goes on to star in a movie about C.S. Lewis.Thirty years ago, after winning his first trophy for Silence of the Lambs, Hopkins played Lewis in Shadowlands, a movie about Lewis’s late-in-life romance with Joy Davidman Gresham

Therefore Choose Life: My Journey from Hopelessness to Hope

By Tyler James Dunlop with Tim den Bok

Independently published, 2023

Review and Comment by Margaret Cottle, MD

More time-travel for young people

JAMES is feeling sorry for himself. It is a hot summer evening in Pittsburgh and he longs for some adventures with his cousins gathered next door at his grandparents for a family reunion. But he is laid low with an asthma attack and declares miserably, “Nothing interesting ever happens!

The Holdovers

CHRISTMAS FILMS often come all sugar-coated and candy-cane sweet. But not The Holdovers. Think, instead, bleak midwinter and bittersweet. Instead of Home Alone it is rather a school-alone movie as a woeful handful of students at a boys’ private prep school in New England are left behind as their classmates and faculty cheerfully depart for the Christmas holidays. Only one teacher, a grumpy Classics instructor (Paul Giametti) is left behind to supervise them

New Books for the New Year

On Foot to Canterbury: A Son’s Pilgrimage

I MUST ADMIT from the onset that I am “totally hard-wired” for this book. Ken Haigh’s On Foot to Canterbury: A Son’s Pilgrimage covers so many areas of personal interest – hiking, English history, Anglican history, nature – that it’s hard for me not to become absorbed with his journey

Winter Reads

Curl up with a mug of cider or hot chocolate and enjoy some of these new titles, which our West Coast reviewers recommend.

Little Prayers for Ordinary Days

FOR their spiritual formation children need Bible story books but they also need prayer books suited to their young age. There are certainly some classics out there and a new one has just joined their ranks

The Watchmaker’s Daughter: The True Story of World War II Heroine Corrie ten Boom

I MUST CONFESS that I had not heard the term “historical espionage thriller” before, but now that I have read The Watchmaker’s Daughter, it applies perfectly. Larry Loftis’ book is a page-turner – you can’t put it down but it is also historically accurate. This is not historical fiction but the true story of a remarkable Christian woman, Corrie ten Boom.

Seven for Summer

It’s sandal weather and our West Coast reviewers, who can dip their toes in the Pacific, have some summer reads for us.